This site is about my daily adventures. I am trying to lose weight and I homeschool.... so there will be lots of talk about these two subjects.
New to blogging
Published on August 16, 2004 By luvmyboyz In Home & Family
Well today is my first day at writing in this blog. I have not did a whole lot today... I did get 2 loads of laundry done and still have one more to go. My house is not that dirty so a little straightening is all that is needed. I will have to start on my lesson plans for school at some point today. I will not start school until Sept 6th after our vacation. I sure can't wait for our vacation!!! I am so excited. I am hanging in there with my eating. I am really trying to lose this weight. I will be weighing in on Sunday once again. Wednesday is my 32nd birthday so that sort of makes it hard ... ya know cake and ice cream.... grrr! Well that is all for now. I may write more later on.

on Aug 16, 2004
Welcome to Joe User!  I'm looking forward to reading more about you and your family in the future.